Yahoo Chat Room Monitoring As A Way To Keep Your Loved Ones Safe
Released on = December 12, 2005, 5:18 am
Press Release Author = Totally Spy Software
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = A new website designed to supply relevent information and advice about the inherent dangers of allowing un-momitored activity inside Yahoo chat rooms. We utilize a top rated software application that helps keeps your spouse and kids safe.
Press Release Body = The biggest trick some child predator\'s are using is to pretend to be a kid, in a kid site chat room. Child predators are talking the lingo, misspelling words, having simple conversations to gain trust with children on the internet. But did you know just how fast they can find information about you, your child or your family?
Just like TV, video games, or watching movies, you shouldn\'t give your child free reign of the computer any time they like. Have a central family computer space (keep it out of their rooms if there is an internet hook-up). By making use of the computer as a family affair, parents can keep a close eye on who they are interacting with.
Make sure you know who they are chatting with online and tell them exactly why you\'re concerned. Just like you want to meet their friends, get to know who they are talking to online. They know there are nasty people in our society. Make it crystal clear under no circumstances should they give out their name, address, phone #, or where they go to school - over the internet. It\'s natural for a kid to want to talk about those things. That\'s what makes up their day. Help them fight the urge by working with your child on \'safe\' topics to chat about; movies, music, current events, even what they are learning in school. But nothing personal.
Have them tell you if there are any conversations that make them feel uncomfortable and to not believe anyone they chat with when they type in \"Don\'t Tell Your Mom or Dad...\" That\'s a big flag. Have them tell you about it.
Chatting kids should know never to meet ANYONE off of the internet without checking with their parents first, whether in a separate chat room or in person. They must have a parent along and meet in a public place. Tell your child they should NEVER send a picture to anyone, without your permission. When in doubt monitor, monitor and monitor some more. We can help.
Contact: Michael Edworthy Website: Email:
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Contact Details = Michael Edworthy
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